Last updated: 6/15/2011
Renunciation Of Successor Letters Testamentary And Waiver Of Process (Corporation) (P-16) {SLT-3}
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STATE OF NEW YORK SURROGATE'S COURT: COUNTY OF __________________ ___________________________________________________X In the Matter of the Petition for Successor Letters Testamentary in the Estate of RENUNCIATION OF SUCCESSOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY AND WAIVER OF PROCESS (CORPORATION) a/k/a File No._____________________________ Deceased. ___________________________________________________X The undersigned, _________________________________________________________________, a person interested in this estate as alternate executor, hereby personally appears in this proceeding in the Surrogate's Court of _______________________ County and 1. Renounces all rights to Successor Letters Testamentary. 2. Waives the issuance and service of citation in the above-entitled proceeding. 3. Consents that Successor Letters Testamentary be granted by the Court to ________________________________ or any other person or persons entitled thereto without any notice whatsoever to the undersigned. ____________________________________________ (Signature) ____________________________________________ (Print Name) _______________________________________________ (Name of Corporation) ______________________________________________ (Principal Office Street Address) _____________________________________________ (City/Town/Village) (State) (Zip) Date: _______________________________________ STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ss.: On _____________________________________________________, _________, before me personally appeared __________________________________________________________________________________, to me known, who duly swore to the foregoing instrument and who did say that he/she resides at ____________________________ and that he/she is a ________________________________ of _____________________________, the corporation/national banking association described in and which executed such instrument; and that he/she signed his/her name thereto by order of the Board of Directors of the corporation. ____________________________________ Notary Public Commission Expires: (Affix Notary Stamp or Seal) Name of Attorney_____________________________________________ Tel. No.:_______________________________ Address of Attorney____________________________________________________________________________________ SLT-3 (04/2011) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com