Real Estate Finance Fees | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | New York

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Real Estate Finance Fees | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | New York

Last updated: 4/13/2015

Real Estate Finance Fees

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NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF LAW Real Estate Finance Bureau 120 Broadway, 23rd Floor New York, NY 10271-0332 1-800-771-7755 1-800-788-9898 TDD (for hearing impaired) Real Estate Finance Fee Schedule REAL ESTATE FINANCE FEES Effective January 8, 2014, the schedule of fees for filings and registrations with the Real Estate Finance is as follows: Cooperative/Condominium/HOA/ Timeshare Offering Plans and Syndication registration ( Full Filing ) 352-g Exemptions (P.S. 100, 101, 102) 4/10 of 1% of total offering price with $750 minimum for a total offering price under $250,000 and $30,000 maximum fee for a total offering price of $7,500,000 or greater. 2/10 of 1% of total offering price with $750 minimum for a total offering price under $250,000 and $30,000 maximum fee for a total offering price of $15,000,000 or greater. $300 $225 $225 Syndication Exemptions pursuant to GBL §359-f(2), (P.S. 103, P.S. 104) Amendments Cooperative Policy Statements #1, #3, #5, #6 Cooperative Policy Statement #7 Issuer Statement (Form M-11) (Total offering: In excess of $500,000 For $500,000 or less Broker-Dealer Registration (Form M-10) Salesperson Statement (Form M-2) Supplemental Broker-Dealer Statement (Form M-3) Supplemental Salesperson Statement (Form M-4) No Action/No Filing Applications Syndication Notification Filing (Form 99) (Only For Covered Securities) (Total offering: In excess of $500,000 For $500,000 or less Intrastate Securities Offerings pursuant to GBL§359-ff $750 $1,200 for 4 years $300 for 4 years $300 plus $15 per signatory for 4 years $150 for 4 years $30 $30 $225 $1,950 $1,050 1/2 of 1% of total offering Price, with $25 minimum fee and $1,500 maximum fee (02/14) American LegalNet, Inc.

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