Form 222-B Application For Rule 222 {222-B} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

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Form 222-B Application For Rule 222 {222-B} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

Last updated: 3/30/2016

Form 222-B Application For Rule 222 {222-B}

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Form 222-B Registration for Boilers/Water Heaters and Process Heaters (1-2 Million BTU/HR Heat Input), Rule 222 (c)(6) BOILER OR STEAM GENERATOR means any combustion equipment that is fired with or is designed to be fired with natural gas, used to produce steam or to heat water, and that is not used exclusively to produce electricity for sale. Boiler or Steam Generator does not include any waste heat recovery boiler that is used to recover sensible heat from the exhaust of a combustion turbine or any unfired waste heat recovery boiler that is used to recover sensible heat from the exhaust of any combustion equipment. (Amended May 3, 2013). Rule 222 (c)(23) PROCESS HEATER means any combustion equipment fired with or designed to be fired with natural gas and which transfers heat from combustion gases to water or process streams. Process Heater does not include any kiln or oven used for annealing, drying, curing, baking, cooking, calcining, or vitrifying; or any unfired waste heat recovery heater that is used to recover sensible heat from the exhaust of any combustion equipment. (Amended May 3, 2013)

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