Order Of Fact-Finding And Disposition (PINS) {7-8} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | New York

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Order Of Fact-Finding And Disposition (PINS) {7-8} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | New York

Last updated: 10/20/2021

Order Of Fact-Finding And Disposition (PINS) {7-8}

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F.C.A. §§750, 752, 754-757, 758-a, 759 Form 7-8 (Person in Need of Supervision -Order of Fact-finding and Disposition) 12/2015 At a term of the Family Court of the State of New York, held in and for the County of , at New York on , . PRESENT: Hon. Judge _________________________________ In the Matter of A Person Alleged to be In Need of Supervision Docket No. ORDER OF FACT-FINDING AND DISPOSITION Respondent ___________________________________ The petition of [specify]: under Article 7 of the Family Court Act, sworn to on [specify date]: , , having been filed in this Court alleging that the above-named Respondent is a person in need of supervision; and [Check applicable box(es)]: Notice having been duly given to Respondent and parent person legally responsible for the Respondent's care, pursuant to section 741 of the Family Court Act; and [Required if Respondent is Native-American; check if applicable ]: And the following having been duly notified [check applicable box(es)]: parent/custodian tribe/nation United States Secretary of the Interior; And the tribe/nation having: appeared and participated as a party; appeared and declined to assume jurisdiction; appeared and requested transfer of jurisdiction; not appeared; And Respondent having: appeared not appeared ; and Counsel for the Respondent having: appeared not appeared before this Court to answer the petition; And Respondent having: voluntarily, intelligently and knowingly admitted in open court that he or she American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Form 7-8 Page 2 committed the following act(s) [specify]: denied the allegations of the petition and the matter having duly come on for a factfinding hearing before this Court ; The Court, after hearing the proof and testimony offered in relation to the case, finds beyond a reasonable doubt that the Respondent did the following [specify]: ; and The matter having thereafter duly come on for a dispositional hearing before the Court, the Court, after having made the examination and inquiry into the facts and circumstances of the case and into the surroundings, conditions and capacities of the persons involved and having made any reports available to counsel in accordance with section 750 of the Family Court Act, finds upon a preponderance of the evidence that : I. Dispositional Findings A. Respondent requires supervision or treatment; and B. Having fully considered the matter of a particular disposition pursuant to section 754 of the Family Court Act, Respondent requires the following disposition for the following reasons [specify; if the Respondent has been found to be sexually exploited, as defined in Social Services Law §447-a, so indicate]: II. Required "Best Interests" and "Reasonable Efforts" Findings [The following determinations are required when order is placement; check applicable boxes and provide case-specific reasons and sources in A, B, C and, if applicable, D, below]: The Court finds and determines that: A. Continued placement in, or return to, the Respondent's home [check applicable box]: Q would Q would not be contrary to the Respondent's best interests, based upon the following facts and for the following specific reasons [specify]: This determination is based upon the following specific documents and evidence: Probation Department report, dated [specify]: Mental health evaluation, dated [specify]: Case record, dated (specify]: Testimony of [specify]: Other [specify]: ; AND B. Reasonable efforts, where appropriate, to prevent or eliminate the need for removal of the Respondent from the home: American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Form 7-8 Page 3 Q were made as follows [specify]: Q were not made but the lack of efforts was appropriate [check all applicable boxes]: Q because of a prior judicial finding that the authorized agency was not required to make reasonable efforts to reunify the Respondent with the Q parent(s) Q person(s) legally responsible for Respondent's care [specify date of finding]: Q because of other reasons [specify]: Q were not made. This determination is based upon the following specific documents and evidence: Probation Department report, dated [specify]: Mental health evaluation, dated [specify]: Case record, dated (specify]: Testimony of [specify]: Other [specify]: C. Reasonable efforts, where appropriate, to return the Respondent home safely [check applicable box and state reasons as indicated]: Q were made as follows [specify]: Q were not made but the lack of efforts was appropriate [check all applicable boxes]: Q because of a prior judicial finding pursuant to F.C.A. §352.2(2)(c) that the authorized agency was not required to make reasonable efforts to reunify the child with the Q parent(s) Q guardian(s) [specify date of finding]: Q because of other reasons [specify]: Q were not made. This determination was based upon the following information [check applicable box(es)]: 9 Probation Department report, dated [specify]: 9 Mental health evaluation, dated [specify]: 9 Case Record, dated [specify]: 9 Service Plan, dated [specify]: 9 The report of [specify]: 9 Testimony of [specify]: 9 Other [specify]: , dated [specify]: D. Reasonable Efforts: Goal Other Than Return Home: [REQUIRED in cases in which the Respondent's permanency plan is adoption, guardianship or permanent living arrangement other American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Form 7-8 Page 4 than reunification]: Reasonable efforts to make and finalize the Respondent's permanency plan of [specify]: Q have been made as follows [specify]: Q were not made based upon the following facts and for the following reasons [specify]: This determination is based upon the following specific documents and evidence: Probation Department report, dated [specify]: Mental health evaluation, dated [specify]: Case record, dated (specify]: Testimony of [specify]: Other [specify]: D. Transitional Services Finding [REQUIRED where Respondent is 14 or older]: The services needed, if any, to assist the Respondent to make the transition from foster care to independent living are [specify]: III. Special Circumstances Findings [REQUIRED where Respondent is 16 years or older and is placed]: The following special circumstances warrant placement [specify]: NOW, therefore, upon the findings made in the fact-finding and dispositional hearings and upon all papers and proceedings filed and had herein, it is hereby ADJUDGED that the above-named Respondent is a person in need of supervision who [check all ap

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