Permanency Hearing Order Adoption {JU-33} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Alabama

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Permanency Hearing Order Adoption {JU-33} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Alabama

Last updated: 9/10/2020

Permanency Hearing Order Adoption {JU-33}

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State of Alabama Unified Judicial System JU-33 Sample (Front) Rev. 7/2016 PERMANENCY HEARING ORDER - Adoption (Check which one is applicable): BY CURRENT FOSTER PARENT WITH NO IDENTIFIED RESOURCES Court Case Number IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF __________________________________________ COUNTY, ALABAMA (Name of County) In the Matter of ____________________________________________________________________________, a child Child: _________________________________ Date of Birth: _________________________________ On _____________________ (date), a permanency hearing was held by the above court. APPEARANCES Note: Check which parties and/or attorneys and/or others were present at the hearing: Mother Guardian ad litem Father Department of Human Resources (Department) Caseworker *Child Department Attorney Mother's Attorney **Paternal Grandmother Grandfather Father's Attorney **Maternal Other Relatives: _______________________ (specify) **Maternal Grandmother **Paternal Other Relatives: _______________________ (specify) Grandfather **Foster Parents: _______________________________ (specify) **Others (specify): __________________________________________ Federal law and state law (Section 12-15-315(a) Ala.Code 1975) requires age-appropriate consultation with the child at each permanency hearing regarding the permanency plan and/or any transition plan to independent living. I have ensured this consultation with the child was given. If one or more of these persons who are caring for the child under the responsibilty of the Department are not present, I have ensured that they have received notice of this hearing. THE COURT FINDS THAT [CHECK WHICH BOXES ARE APPLICABLE]: 1. Efforts made by the Department, following the placement of the above-named child into foster care, were were not reasonable to finalize the existing permanency plan of ____________________________________ for the above-named child, as follows: After reviewing the attached Department's written court report dated _________, p. ____, and based on the testimony of the parties, and/or after obtaining input from the foster parents, preadoptive parents, or relative caregivers of the child, I incorporate into this Order the efforts to reunify the family and, if applicable, to arrange and to finalize a new permanent home described in the court report; After reviewing the attached Department's written court report dated _________, p. ____, and based on the testimony of the parties, and/or after obtaining input from the foster parents, preadoptive parents, or relative caregivers of the child, I modify the Department's description of its efforts to reunify the family and, if applicable, to arrange and to finalize a new permanent home described in the court report, as follows: * ** 2. It is not and will not be safe to return the child home because: After reviewing the attached Department's written court report dated _________, p. ____, and based on the testimony of the parties, I incorporate into this Order the Department's explanation in its court report why returning the child home is not and will not be possible or appropriate; After reviewing the attached Department's written court report dated _________, p. ____, and based on the testimony of the parties, I modify the Department's explanation in its court report why returning the child home is not and will not be possible or appropriate, as follows: American LegalNet, Inc. JU-33 Sample (Back) Rev. 7/2016 PERMANENCY HEARING ORDER - ADOPTION (Check which one is applicable): BY CURRENT FOSTER PARENT WITH NO IDENTIFIED RESOURCES Court Case Number 3. Placing the child for adoption is an appropriate plan because: After reviewing the attached Department's written court report dated _________, p. ____, and based on the testimony of the parties, I incorporate into this Order the Department's explanation in its court report why adoption is an appropriate plan for the child and why it appears to be a practical goal if parental rights are terminated; After reviewing the attached Department's written court report dated _________, p. ____, and based on the testimony of the parties, I modify the Department's explanation in its court report why adoption is an appropriate plan for the child and why it appears to be a practical goal if parental rights are terminated as follows: 4. The following is the Department's timetable to petition for termination of parental rights and its plan for the child's adoption. [Note: The plan should set forth specific tasks, times, and dates to prepare for and initiate termination of parental rights proceedings]: If the child is placed in a home in a different state than the home of the child's parents, the placement continues to be appropriate and in the child's best interests for the following reasons [NOTE: If the child is placed in the same state as one or both of the child's parents, leave this space blank]: After reviewing the attached Department's written court report dated _________, p. ____, and based on the testimony of the parties, I incorporate into this Order the Department's explanation in its court report why it is necessary to place the child in a different state; After reviewing the attached Department's written court report dated _________, p. ____, and based on the testimony of the parties, I modify the Department's explanation in its court report why it is necessary to place the child in a different state, as follows: 5. 6. If the child is 14 years of age or older, as long as the Department continues supervision, the following services are needed to assist the child in making the transition to successful adulthood, as follows (Note: If the child is less than 14 years of age or if independent living services are not provided, leave this space blank): After reviewing the attached Department's written report dated _____________, p._____, and based on the testimony of the parties, and after consulting with the child, in an age-appropriate manner, regarding the transition plan to independent living, I incorporate into this Order the Department's statement about the services the child needs to make the transition to successful adulthood; After reviewing the attached Department's written report dated _____________, p._____, and based on the testimony of the parties, and after consulting with the child, in an age-appropriate manner, regarding the transition plan to independent living, I modify the Department's statement about the services

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