Petition To Render Invetory And Or Account {PC-5.2} | | Rhode Island

 Rhode Island   Statewide   Probate Court   Citations 
Petition To Render Invetory And Or Account {PC-5.2} |  | Rhode Island

Last updated: 8/9/2006

Petition To Render Invetory And Or Account {PC-5.2}

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PC-5.2 (11/02, formerly SW-47) Petition to Render Inventory and/or Account Date filed: _____________________ Court use only STATE OF RHODE ISLAND County of ___________________________________ PROBATE COURT OF THE Estate of ____________________________________ _________________________________________________ Alias _______________________________________ Alias _______________________________________ No. ____________________ ____________________ Date PETITION TO RENDER IN VENTORY AND/OR ACCOUNT __________________________________________________________ Name of Fiduciary __________________________________________________________ Name of Co-Fiduciary (if any) Who, on: ________________________________________ Date of Qualification Qualified as Fiduciary, has neglected to: [ ] file an inventory [ ] render an account [ ] both of the above The undersigned, a party in interest, requests that the fiduciary may be cited to do so. _________________________________________________ Signature of Petitioner _________________________________________________ Date _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Date Citation Retur nable Probate Judge

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