Last updated: 5/30/2024
Summons Residential Foreclosure Mediation
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SUMMONS Residential Foreclosure Mediation. This form is a summons used in the Circuit Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit in Grundy County, Illinois, for cases involving residential foreclosure mediation. It notifies the defendant(s) that they must file an official document (an "Appearance" and an "Answer/Response") within 30 days to participate in the case and avoid a default judgment. The form sets a mandatory mediation session to discuss potential resolutions to avoid foreclosure, such as mortgage modification or other alternatives. It emphasizes the necessity of attending the mediation to retain the right to mediation and provides details on the required documents and information needed for the mediation process. The form also includes a notice of rights, the importance of participating in the process, and resources for legal assistance. www.FormsWorkflow.com