Last updated: 2/24/2024
Declaration Regarding Due Diligence {PL-FL040}
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PL-FL040 - DECLARATION RE: DUE DILIGENCE (CCP §415.10 – 415.50). This form is used in the Superior Court of California, County of Placer. It is typically utilized in cases where the petitioner or respondent in a legal matter cannot be located for service of legal documents such as a summons or other court-related papers. The form requires the individual completing it to declare, under penalty of perjury, the steps taken to locate the individual, including efforts such as contacting their last known residence, researching telephone directories, searching online directories and social media, attempting to contact relatives, friends, and acquaintances, checking with local hospitals and jails, and any other relevant efforts made to locate the person. The form also includes sections for the individual to indicate any belief that the person is intentionally avoiding service and to explain the reasons for such belief. www.FormsWorkflow.com
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