Last updated: 6/5/2024
Form 1 Summons (DWC) {1}
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FORM 1 - SUMMONS . The form is a Summons used in North Dakota District Court to notify a defendant (spouse) about a divorce complaint filed against them by the plaintiff (initiating party). It mandates the defendant to respond within 21 days of receiving the Summons. Temporary restraining provisions restrict both spouses from disposing of assets, harassing each other, altering insurance coverage, or moving minor children without consent or court order. Violations may lead to contempt of court. This form is essential for individuals filing for divorce in North Dakota. It advises on the serious legal and financial consequences of divorce and strongly recommends consulting a lawyer. It outlines conditions for using the forms packet, emphasizes completing Form 1 (Summons) correctly by the Plaintiff and Clerk of Court, and explains the mandatory service of the Summons to the Defendant. It also informs about temporary restraining provisions upon service, including asset protection and child custody restrictions. www.FormsWorkflow.com