Last updated: 4/5/2024
Fence Dispute Complaint Certified Mail Instruction And Return {CC-3-14}
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CC-3-14 - FENCE DISPUTE COMPLAINT CERTIFIED MAIL INSTRUCTION AND RETURN. This form is used for initiating a fence dispute complaint through certified mail. It provides instructions for the plaintiff on serving the complaint to the defendant via certified mail, ensuring proper service for the lawsuit. The form outlines steps such as preparing the envelope, specifying mailing options, paying necessary fees, and obtaining proof of delivery. It also includes return instructions for the plaintiff to acknowledge the mailing of the complaint and provide details such as the date of mailing, receipt signing, and return status. Additionally, there are sections for the plaintiff's information and, if applicable, the attorney's information. These instructions are mandated by Neb. Rev. Stat. § 34-112.02(3) and provided by the State Court Administrator. www.FormsWorkflow.com