Notice Of Probate Of Will Proof Of Mailing With Instructions {SAL NPW} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | New Jersey

 New Jersey   Local County   Salem   Surrogate   Probate 
Notice Of Probate Of Will Proof Of Mailing With Instructions {SAL NPW} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | New Jersey

Last updated: 4/29/2024

Notice Of Probate Of Will Proof Of Mailing With Instructions {SAL NPW}

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NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL AND PROOF OF MAILING. This form is used after being appointed as the Executor of an estate. It's employed to inform beneficiaries, next of kin, and charitable organizations that a will has been probated. The document provides instructions and guidelines for completing two main components: Notice of Probate of Will: This form is filled out within 60 days of probate, notifying all relevant parties of the probate, including beneficiaries and next of kin. The original signed form is filed with the Surrogate's Court, and copies are sent to the recipients. Proof of Mailing of Notice of Probate of Will: This form is filled out within 10 days after mailing the Notice of Probate. It certifies the method of mailing used to notify heirs, next of kin, and beneficiaries. The original signed form is also filed with the Surrogate's Court, along with a $5.00 filing fee. The document includes detailed instructions on mailing procedures, filing requirements, and addresses for submission. Additionally, it provides a sample worksheet for listing parties entitled to notice and warns that it's not a comprehensive guide to executor duties, but rather a courtesy provided by the Salem County Surrogate’s Court.

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