Last updated: 2/15/2024
Campaign Finance Statement
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DSEB-503 - CAMPAIGN FINANCE STATEMENT. You may file this statement in lieu of a full report when the amount of contributions (including in-kind contributions) received, the amount of money expended and the liabilities incurred each did not exceed $250.00 during the reporting period. File this statement in the office where the nomination petitions, nomination certificate or nomination papers of the candidate(s) supported were filed. A candidate must file a statement or report that is separate from one filed by her/his authorized committee. Each statement shall be subscribed and sworn to by the candidate (if it is the candidate's personal report) or the treasurer of the political committee, acknowledging the accuracy of the report. In addition, those reports filed on behalf of a candidate's political committee, authorized by a candidate and created solely for the purpose of influencing an election on behalf of that candidate, shall be subscribed and sworn to by that candidate. www.FormsWorkflow.com