Expense Reimbursement Request {HR-2-05} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Nebraska

 Nebraska   Statewide   Supreme Court Court of Appeals   Administrative 
Expense Reimbursement Request {HR-2-05} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Nebraska

Last updated: 4/5/2024

Expense Reimbursement Request {HR-2-05}

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HR-2-05 - EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST. This form is used by the Nebraska Supreme Court Administrative Office of the Courts and Probation by employees to claim reimbursement for expenses incurred during official travel. The form includes sections for detailing travel information, such as start and stop points, travel times, meals, lodging, personal vehicle use, and miscellaneous expenses. Employees are required to attach itemized meal receipts by day. The form also includes sections for employee information, supervisor/approver signature, and employee signature. Additionally, there are guidelines for meal reimbursement based on the time of departure and return during travel. www.FormsWorkflow.com

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