Last updated: 1/9/2024
Petition To Extend Time For Filing Final Accounting And Petition For Discharge {P-5.0100}
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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR FLORIDA IN RE: ESTATE OF COUNTY, PROBATE DIVISION File No. Division Deceased. PETITION TO EXTEND TIME FOR FILING FINAL ACCOUNTING AND PETITION FOR DISCHARGE Petitioner, 1. 2. Petitioner is the personal representative of the above estate. The status of the administration of this estate is , alleges: 3. Petitioner cannot file a Final Accounting and Petition for Discharge within the time specified in Florida Probate Rule 5.400 because: 4. Petitioner estimates that it will be possible to file a Final Accounting and a Petition for , . Discharge on or before 5. The only persons, other than Petitioner, having an interest in this proceeding and their respective addresses are: NAME ADDRESS Bar Form No. P-5.0100 © Florida Lawyers Support Services, Inc. January 1, 2024