Last updated: 1/9/2024
Order Extending Time For Filing Final Accounting And Petition For Discharge {P-5.0200}
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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR FLORIDA IN RE: ESTATE OF COUNTY, PROBATE DIVISION File No. Division Deceased. ORDER EXTENDING TIME FOR FILING FINAL ACCOUNTING AND PETITION FOR DISCHARGE On the petition of the personal representative for an Order Extending Time for Filing Final Accounting and Petition for Discharge, the court finding that all interested persons have been served a copy of the petition or have waived notice thereof; that the material allegations of the petition are true; and that good cause has been shown for extension of the time for the personal representative to file a Final Accounting and a Petition for Discharge in this estate; it is ADJUDGED that the time for filing the Final Accounting and Petition for Discharge in this estate is extended until . ORDERED on , . Circuit Judge Bar Form No. P-5.0200 © Florida Lawyers Support Services, Inc. January 1, 2024