Last updated: 1/5/2024
Request For Notice And Copies {P-1.0400}
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P-1.0400 - REQUEST FOR NOTICE AND COPIES. This FLSSI form is a used in the Probate Division of the Circuit Court for a specific county in Florida. The form is completed by an individual who asserts that they have an interest in the estate mentioned. They provide their residence and post office address, as well as the name and address of their attorney (if applicable). The individual requests that they receive notice of all future proceedings in the estate and copies of subsequent pleadings and documents as long as they remain an interested person. The form includes a declaration made under penalties of perjury, stating that the information provided is true to the best of their knowledge and belief. The form also includes a certificate of service, certifying that a copy of the request has been furnished to the attorney for the personal representative, with the date of service. The attorney's signature, contact information, and attorney details (including Florida Bar No.) are included on the form. Bar Form No. P-1.0400 Florida Lawyers Support Services, Inc. Revised January 1, 2024.