Appearance Bond {CC-13-1} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Nebraska

 Nebraska   Statewide   County Court-Separate Juvenile Court   Bonds 
Appearance Bond {CC-13-1} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Nebraska

Last updated: 10/5/2023

Appearance Bond {CC-13-1}

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CC 13:1 APPEARANCE BOND IN THE COUNTY COURT OF STATE OF NEBRASKA Plaintiff vs. COUNTY, NEBRASKA Defendant I acknowledge that I been charged with the offense of and in consideration of my release from custody agree to appear in the ounty ourt of said ounty on , at .M. and thereafter as directed indebted to the State of Nebraska in the sum of $ which sum is hereby secured as follows: PERSONAL RECOGNIZANCE in the sum of $ . CASH: In lieu of surety or sureties, the defendant deposits cash bond to secure his appearance and conditions m10% BOND: Bond set in the amount of $ 10% of said amount or $ (not less than $25) deposited herewith in cash90% of which shall be returned to the defendant upon appearance as required above and 10% of which shall be retained by the Clerk for bond costs. CORPORATE SURETY: In the sum of $ Attached hereto. SURETY: The undersigned (surety) (sureties) do hereby acknowledge themselves to be bound as (surety)(sureties) of the defendant on the above appearance bond in the sum of $ with all conditions thereto. Date Signature Name (Defendant) Current Street Address/P.O. Box City/State/ZIP Code Phone E-mail Address SURETY: DATE: WITNESS: DATE: APPROVED BY THE COURT: (Seal) (Clerk) DATE: (JUSTIFICATION OF SURETIES ON REVERSE) American LegalNet, Inc. Justification of Sureties 25-2223 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF COUNTY, NEBRASKA Plaintiff vs. Defendant and surety, or sureties on this appeal recognizance after being first duly sworn, deposes and says that I am a resident of the State of Nebraska and have real estate property situated in this county and state, TO WIT: (Legal Description) commonly known as (address) worth at least double the amount of this bond, beyond the amount of all liens and encumbrances thereon in addition to any exemptions allowed by law. DATE: SURETY: DATE: SURETY: Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this date. DATE: BY THE COURT: (Seal) ASSIGNMENT I hereby assign the proceeds of this bond to: DATE: BY: ADDRESS: American LegalNet, Inc.

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