Order Appointing Guardian Of Minor(s) {CC-126 V3} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Illinois

 Illinois   Local County   Winnebago   Probate 
Order Appointing Guardian Of Minor(s) {CC-126 V3} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Illinois

Last updated: 5/11/2022

Order Appointing Guardian Of Minor(s) {CC-126 V3}

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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17 TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS In the matter of: ) ) P ) ) Minor(s). O RDER APPOINTING GUARDIAN OF MINOR(S) This matter being heard on Petition of the court being fully advised in the premises and sworn testimony having been heard, the court FINDS that: 1. Due notice has been given to the required parties, 2. [ ] The minor(s) do not have parent(s) ready, willing, and able to carry out the day to day care decisions; [ ] The minor(s) parent(s) have consented to the appointment of the proposed guardian as guardian of the minor (s) ; [ ] After diligent search, the parent(s) are unknown or unable to be found; [ ] The parental rights of the mother and father ha ve been terminated by court order. 3. It is in the best interest of the minor(s) that be appointed (co - ) guardian (s) of the [ ] person, or [ ] estate, or [ ] person and estate. The (co - ) guardian (s) is/are qualified to serve and have consented to the appointment. 4. The minor [ ] has no, or [ ] has an estate to be managed. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that: The (co - ) guardian(s) [ ] oath of office, or [ ] oath and bond, no surety, or [ ] oath and bond, wit h surety, is approved; is/are appointed (co - ) guardian(s) of the [ ] person, or [ ] estate, or [ ] person and estate of the minor(s). Guardianship shall continue until the minor attains eightee n years of age or further order of court. Letters of office shall issue. at a.m. [ ] Guardian granted leave t o file the report in advance and instea d of appearing in pers on. See fillable probate forms at http://www.cc.co.winnebago.il.us/court - forms - winnebagocounty/ Date: Enter: FILE STAMP CC 126 V2 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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