Last updated: 7/26/2018
Application For Compensation And Expenses {LR 2016-1A}
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American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Form Number LR 2016-1 A (07/10) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ALABAMA DIVISION In re: } Case No. } Chapter } } Debtor(s) } APPLICATION FOR COMPENSATION AND EXPENSES COVER SHEET 1. Name of Applicant: 2. Date Application for Employment was filed: 3. Date of Order Authorizing Employment: 4. Professional Services Provided to: 5. Period for Which Compensation is Sought: 6. Amount of Compensation Sought: $ 7. Amount of Expenses Sought: $ 8. This is an: Interim Application Final Application. 9. If this is not the first application filed in this case by this professional, disclose as to all prior applications: Date Filed: Period Covered: Totals Requested: Total Compensation Allowed: $ Total Expenses Allowed: $ 10. The aggregate amount of compensation and expenses allowed to date: 11. The aggregate amount of compensation and expenses paid to date: DATED: By: American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Form Number LR 2016-1 A (07/10) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ALABAMA DIVISION In re: } Case No. } Chapter } } Debtor(s) } APPLICATION FOR COMPENSATION AND EXPENSES PROJECT SUMMARIES This is Project # of in this case. 1. Project Title: 2. General nature of the project and circumstances involved: 3. Amount of the requested compensation attributable to this project: $ 4. Amount of time attributable to this project: 5. Professional(s) performing services for this project: Name Position Rate Time Total 6. Statement regarding objectives, reasonableness and necessity of this project [If attorney for the trustee, include an estimation of the value of the recovery to the estate for this project]: 7. Disposition (or expected disposition) of the project including what was actually accomplished as a result of the effort put into the project: 8. Particular problems or difficulties encountered: 9. Comments: SUMMARY OF EXPENSES Category Total Charges This Category 1. $ Explanation: 2. $ Explanation: 3. $ Explanation 4. $ Explanation: