Last updated: 5/29/2015
Stipulation And Order-Alternative Dispute Resolution {3905}
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Local Form 3905 March 7, 2011 mod April 25, 2012 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SOLANO For Court Use Only: CASE NAME: ____________________________________________________ Plaintiff ____________________________________________________ Defendant Case Number: STIPULATION AND ORDER - ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION The parties and their attorneys stipulate that all claims in this action shall be submitted to: Mediation No Fee Mediation Civil Action Mediation Program (CAMP) Pro Bono CCP § 1775 et seq. Declaration RE: No Fee/Pro Bono request attached Arbitration Binding Non-Binding HENCE-Helpful Early Neutral Case Evaluation Other ADR Stipulations attached Dated: ____________________________ __________________________________ Name of Plaintiff __________________________________ Signature __________________________________ Name of Plaintiff's Attorney __________________________________ Signature Dated: _____________________________ ____________________________________ Name of Defendant ____________________________________ Signature ____________________________________ Name of Defendant's Attorney ____________________________________ Signature It is so ordered. It is also ordered ________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Dated: ____________________________ ____________________________________ Judge of the Superior Court Local Form 3905 March 7, 2011 mod April 25, 2012 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com