Last updated: 12/21/2010
Quit Claim Deed
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Quit-Claim Deed (Individual or Corporation) Know All Men by These Presents That _______________ (Releasor name(s)) of _______________ (address), _______________ (town/city), _______________ (state) for the consideration of _______________ (spelled out and numerical) Dollars received to _______________ (his/her/their) full satisfaction of _______________ (Releasee name(s)) of _______________ (address), _______________ (town/city), _______________ (state), has/have remised, released, and forever quit-claimed, and do/does by these presents, for him/her/them and his/her/their heirs, justly and absolutely remise, release and forever QUIT-CLAIM unto the said _______________ (Releasee name(s)), his/her heirs and assigns forever, all such right and title as he/she/they the said releasor(s) has/have or ought to have in or to all that certain piece or parcel of land, with all improvements, know as _______________ (address and/or Lot #), situated in the _______________ (town/city), County of _______________, State of Connecticut, bounded and described as follows: See Schedule A attached hereto and made a part hereof. To Have and to Hold, the premises unto him/her the said releasee and to his/her heirs and assigns, to the only use and behoof of the said releasee, his/her heirs and assigns forever, so that neither he/she/they the said releasor(s) nor any person or persons in his/her/their name and behalf, shall or will hereafter claim or demand any right or title to the premises or any part thereof, but they and everyone of them shall by these presents be excluded and forever barred. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I/We, the said releasor(s), has/have hereunto set my/our hand(s) this _____ day of _______________, 20__. Signed and Delivered in the presence of (Type or Print name below each signature.) WITNESS: _______________________ (Name) _______________________ (Name) RELEASOR: ___________________________ (Name) ___________________________ (Name) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com STATE OF CONNECTICUT COUNTY OF } } ss: (town/city name) } Date Personally Appeared _______________ (Releasor name(s)), Signer(s) of the foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged the same to be his/her/their free act and deed, before me. _____________________________ Commissioner of the Superior Court Notary Public My Commission Expires: __________ STATE OF CONNECTICUT COUNTY OF } } ss: (town/city name) } Date Personally Appeared _______________ (Releasor name(s)), as aforesaid, Signer(s) of the foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged the same to be his/her free act and deed as such, and the free act and deed of said corporation/partnership, before me. _____________________________ Commissioner of the Superior Court Notary Public My Commission Expires: __________ American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com